Marketing Helps People
Cherishing employee happiness and client satisfaction ultimately leads to our
contribution towards social good and world peace
Yoshinobu Yuki
Ayako Yuki
The founders and the two Y's, Yoshinobu Yuki and Ayako Yuki had a goal - to support Japanese brands entering the US market. Therefore in 2002, they established Ys and Partners, Inc., a branding agency in Irvine, California with a core mission - to make Japanese brands famous in the United States.
They founded the next Ys and Partners in Yokohama of Japan in 2005, as well as the third office in Shimbashi, Tokyo in 2014. The staff of Ys and Partners from all three sites are working collaboratively to support the marketing communications of global brands that are expanding their businesses in the USA and Japan.
Yoshinobu and Ayako believe that the best communication ideas root from deep insight and respect for the people of the country, moving people's hearts, surpassing the limits of culture and ethnicity.
OpenYoshinobu Yuki worked with the Creative Division of JWT Tokyo for 12 years. As an associate creative director, he was involved in global brands such as Häagen-Dazs, Unilever, Rolex, Warner Lambert, and De Beers. Thanks to Yoshinobu and his JWT team, Häagen-Dazs and Unilever's LUX shampoo has made it into one of Japan's top brands.
As the President of Ys and Partners and the creator of integrative communication ideas, he consults, lectures and write articles in the US and Japan. In turn, Yoshinobu became one of the selected few achieving prominent success in both countries. In the past, he has received Clio Awards, awards from the Art Directors Club of New York, and more. He believes creativity makes the world a better place.
At JWT Tokyo, Ayako Yuki was involved in the launch of Unilever's LUX and contributed to the success of De Beers Diamond's Sweet 10 Diamond and Milestone Diamond campaigns. She then moved to Benesse Corporation, worked in the corporate branding office to help launch the brand.
Today, Ayako does global brand research and strategic planning, both digitally and traditionally. Moreover, she leads marketing teams in North America, Asia and Japan. Traveling back and forther between US and Japan, Ayako also teaches in lectures, and write articles for academic and governmental organizations such as the California State University. Ayako is an existing member of the American Marketing Association, OCPRSA and JASSC. She is a graduate of the International Christian University in Japan.
Ys and Partners offers
collaborative and creative workshop
to work out brand strategies.
*Brand Camp® is a registered
trademark of Ys and Partners.
Ys and Partners supports
brand strategy planning
by conducting consumer
and market research.
Ys and Partners develops
creative, attention
grabbing messages and
ideas that turn brands into
longtime favorites.
Ys and Partners has
impeccable experience
and achievements in
media planning and buying
in the USA and Japan.