The opening of a showroom in the US
There are a total of six groups in the single brand - Fujitsu Frontech. Each of these groups are active in a different location.
When all six groups gathered at their California office, they concluded that inner branding is necessary to enhance teamwork. In turn, Ys and Partners proposed Brand Camp® to Fujitsu's President in the USA to guide the teams through understanding Fujitsu's Core Value.
Ys and Partners does not encourage tackling tactics head-on. We believe it is important that every single member in the team understands Core Value and the root of their brand situation. Hand-in-hand with our client's team, we planned a strategy with a goal to obtain the employees' mutual agreement and to make sure everyone in the team better understand their brand strategy. All groups in this large firm have become strongly connected after having participated our workshop.
Fujitsu Frontech produces a wide category of products for different industries. Ys and Partners have spent several months discussing, creating ideas for service logo design and showroom development.
The showroom includes in-store cutting-edge digital signage with our creative, easy-watching content that allows visitors to understand the company better.
- Our Service
- *Brand Camp®
- Service Marketing Development
- Messaging Development
- Showroom Design
- Graphic Design
- Video Production
- Digital Signage Production
- Dashboard Design
- Market
- US general market
- Our Language
- English